Cuisine Articles
11: Horoscope matching for marriage, Ashtkoot Guna Milan
People in India believe that a child’s destiny depends upon the placement of the nine planets at the time of birth, it is common to have a horoscope made soon after birth of a child. The effect of the planets on the marital life of the individual is also indicated in the horoscope.
12: How important is Nadi Dosha in matchmaking
It is strongly believed that even if the matching points or the Guna Milan score is high, one should not marry in the same Nadi. This will seriously affect married life and family happiness. The importance of Nadi dosha can be derived from the fact that it has the maximum score in Ashtkoot Guna milan. It is important because it brings severe health issues and danger to the couple and also the progeny or the child.
13: Comment bien organiser l'apéro en 4 étapes ?
Pourquoi attendre pour se faire plaisir ? Vous avez prévu un apéritif dinatoire ? Impressionnez vos convives, quelle que soit l’occasion, avec ces quelques idées pour
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20: Réussir des meringues : voici quelques conseils pratiques
Il s'avère pourtant que des recettes qui paraissent simples sont bien plus difficiles à réaliser qu'on ne le pense. C'est notamment le cas des meringues.
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