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Let's Race In Renegade Racing

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Par: mikejalte
Vues : 995
Nombre de mots : 532

 You can choose a series of car like the police car, London bus or the ice cream truck, whichever you may choose this really gives you a very great racing experience that you have ever wanted. That is why you really need to play this game to be able to enjoy and have some fun. Because you will be able to climb some stiff hills and will be able to do some stunts to fill up your turbo booster. After finishing a level on this game you will be able to proceed to the next level of the game, but make sure that you will buy some upgrade before deciding to start the new level. Each level of the game really offers different levels of difficulties. 


That is why it is very important that you will really upgrade your car to be able to handle on some very hard points of the racing like climbing on  very slope hills and going crazy jumps that will help you to add some points. It is also very important that you will really need to take note that you will need  to land safely to avoid your opponent to outcome you your number on the race can be shown above your car. 
In this game you will be able to press some certain keys to be able to manipulate your character car like the arrow keys, your up arrow key or  the letter W will be able to help you to accelerate your car to move faster so that you will be able to defeat all your opponents. The down arrow or the letter S key will be able to help you to do brake and the left arrow key or the letter A will be able to help you do some back flip and wheelie. Then the right or the letter D will be able to help you do some front flip and also wheelie, and the last is the space bar or the letter X in which you will be able to do some jumping to be able to help you do some stunts with your car. By performing some stunts like the flipping and the wheelies you will be able to fill your turbo boost and that you can use to run faster so that you will be going to finish ahead of your opponents. It is also very important that you will also collect all the coins from the game to be able to buy some upgrades for your car in your garage. 
The coins that you can collect will also help you not just to buy some upgrades, but also to be able to get an award on these games. This game has 4 kinds of award in which also corresponds to so of your missions, that is why it is really very important that you will really accomplish all your mission to be able to receive all this awards from this game. The first award is the champion renegade racing in which you will be able to be the first place in any race and become the champion to be able to get this award.

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A propos de l'auteur

  The second award is the completionist award that will be able for you to show your dedication of being a renegade racer and will be able to complete all of your mission to be able to get this award. The third award is the first place renegade award in which you will be able to get first place in every race and you will prove that you are the first class renegade. The last award for this game is renegade racing gold award in which you will be able to complete the entire game and also to be able to accomplished all your missions and achievements to be able to win this gold award from the game by visiting

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