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Do your sentences end with your voice dropping out?

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Par: johneycavy
Vues : 313
Nombre de mots : 392

If your voice gets weaker at the end of your sentences, you probably are male. Although this issue does not just affect men, men are much more likely to experience it than women.
There could be a number of different reasons why this happens.  voice drops
1. Interrupt apprehension. You do not pause because you are hoping not to be interrupted while speaking. As a result, by the time you finish your statement or sentence, you have lost your breath and are unable to support your words.
2. Breathlessness. You still hold to the lessons your third-grade teacher imparted to you: you shouldn't calmly inhale until you come to some type of accentuation.
3. Insecurity. You don't like talking to other people and would rather they wouldn't hear what you have to say. This is especially true when you are speaking to people in positions of authority or to people you may not be familiar with well.
Your listeners have a difficult time because they only understand half of what you are saying; and if there is enough of this, the listener will either stop listening to you or interrupt you. That's all there is to it.
Also, this isn't just a problem for people who talk softly. When you begin your sentence, you may speak normally and with confidence. However, if the last part of your statement doesn't come across, you might as well speak softly. Hearing the entire comment is more effective than hearing just part of it!
In all of the aforementioned scenarios, it's critical to keep your balloon filled. Interrupt your sentence, take a quick breath, and then carry on instead of waiting until you are exhausted. Tension is created when you try to get more air at the last minute. And tension only adds fuel to the fire. After that, you're constantly trying to catch up in a game of cat and mouse.
If you want to make the change but are uncomfortable speaking to other people, ask yourself what you are afraid of. You might not like to talk at all, or you might think that what you have to say is of no use because you've always been talked over or interrupted.
Don't be afraid to speak up and let everyone else hear what you have to say if you think it matters. Everything is in your favor, and you have nothing to lose.

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 voice drops

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